Style Chicago Trends

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last Friday, I attended the Style Chicago "Art of Fashion" show at the Museum of Broadcast Communications downtown. This crazy mixed-media structure on the first landing to the Museum made for a pretty interesting background, dont you think?

The show, I must say, was not that impressive. But if I must mention notable trends from the event, I noticed there were a ton of knit leggings in long bunchy-at-the-bottom lengths and TONS of rosettes! TONS! Like a silly amount! Also, a trend I actually like that I noticed from NY fashion week, the black beanie with an attached black fishnet eye veil.

As for trends on the attendees: black-and-white referee stripes, and (my favorite, as you can see by my top) neon yellow were both majorly represented.

On an unrelated note, I'm getting my first haircut in about five months today with a new stylist! I'm a little nervous, but if it turns out anything like this I'll be a happy girl! Seriously, she has what I call "dream hair" it's just too perfect! Wish me luck!

Necklace: Forever 21
Bracelet: J Crew Factory
Watch: Charming Charlie
Pants: ASOS
Shoes: Kate Spade via the Gilt City Warehouse sale!
Bag: Target