15 Pieces: The Hot Pink Edition

Monday, April 21, 2014

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This list has been years in the making: some of my favorite pink things. Some are old and some are new but all go to prove that pink is such a strong presence in my life! And my hope is that sharing some of these pink wonders will prove to be just as indispensable to you!

1. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion: Magic pimple eraser that I've been using for years. Smells so strongly that my husband can identify it in the dark, but if you put a dot of this magic lotion on at night when you wake up it will be GONE! Magic, I swear! And at a pretty great price too!

2. Pink Luggage: It's easy to spot your luggage in a sea of black bags at baggage claim with a bag like this!

3. Portable Wireless Speaker: I use one of these everyday in my classroom and on breaks I take it home with me so I can keep the party going where ever I go. Also to ensure nobody steals it. Truth.

4. YSL Glossy Stain: This stuff is awesome. It's like a science experiment for your lips. Goes on wet and then instantly turns into a balm. And bonus, it's a stain but has a ton of lasting moisture. My favorite is #16 which is a bright pink with just a hint of purple.

5.  Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Lotion: Some of the best facial lotion I have ever used. Gentle, pink and has a great, almost addicting scent. Oh, and you can get it at Target.com so that's pretty awesome!

6. Essie nail color in Bahama Mama: The perfect shade of dark pink thats not too dark and not too bright. The perfect color in my opinion for a professional setting. My go-to when I don't know what color to choose.

7. Nars "Yu": My signature lip color. and the best part is that its like liner and color in one easy stick.

8. Viviscal: Ok, it's not pink but the box is. This twice-a-day pill that has been the ONLY thing that has made my hair grow: so quickly and so well that my hair stylist was shocked at the results even after only 2 months!

9. Nars the Multiples Stick in "Orgasm": This color is just the right balance of peachy pink and shimmer that it just looks amazingly flattering on EVERYONE! And who doesn't love a blush that you don't need a carry a brush around to apply!

10. Silk Blouse: I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love me a good silk blouse and even more so when it's in a great shade of pink!

11. Pink Running Shoes: I coach an all-girls running team despite my loathing of running. One constant source of motivation is a good (pink) pair of well-fitting supportive running shoes. I went to Fleet Feet and got fitted before the season started and these were the winners.

12. Valentino Knock offs: I can't afford Valentino Rock Studs. But I am always open to a good affordable knock off and these ones are pretty spot-on!

13. Blush Tote Bag: This is currently my work bag. It looks like real leather but its a fraction of the price.

14. Rose Lensed Ray Bans: Ive been in love with these since I saw them on the cover of the J. Crew catalog but I have yet to see a pair in real life with my own two eyes. If that day comes and I still like them I just may have to make them mine.

15. Yosi Samra Rose Gold Foldable Flats: I discovered these foldable flats on Catherine Giudic's (Sean of the Bachelor's new wife) Instagram! They made her a custom pair for her wedding but she has been rocking them in her everyday looks and I'm loving them!


  1. I am always on the hunt for the pinkest of pink lip colors that will not dry out my lips - how does the Nars feel?
    Chic on the Cheap

    1. It's heavenly! I love that stuff so much. Have you tried candy yum yum by MAC? That is the pinkest pink i know of. Also the revlon matte and balm sticks are my favorites. the matte sticks actually makes a color pretty comparable to Nars YU at a sliver of the price!

  2. Good lineup! Sadly Fleet Feet always ends up recommending I buy the three most hideous shoes in the store, usually for at least $120. Yours are really cute!

    1. I totally feel ya! Usually that happens to me! I was shocked when the ones he brought out were Pink, comfortable and on sale for $79! Amazing!
