This Is Not Art

Thursday, August 14, 2014

But I thought fashion was art? Oh well, who am I to argue with Chicago city streets!

Overalls. Have you tried them? Birkenstocks? So Many trendy pieces in this look, and I'm sure there are mixed emotions about both. I'm going to let you do the talking. What are your thoughts on these trends?

And while searching for these white overalls to link (they are sold out, sorry) I found these full length ones for just $29 and they arrived last night...and they are amazing!

gizeh, birkenstock




american, eagle, overalls

short, overalls

short, overalls
American Eagle Overalls (white Nordstrom pair) // Zara tee (old) // H&M purse (love this classic tassel bag) // Zara sunglasses (very similar from Sole Society)// Birkenstock sandals // Essie Clam Bake nail color // Milk and Honey Cuff

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1 comment:

  1. love the overalls jill! sad we don't have much time left to wear them :(
