All Black

Friday, July 10, 2015

jules, satchel, rebecca, minkoff, zara, pointed, toe

jules, satchel, rebecca, minkoff, zara, pointed, toe

jules, satchel, rebecca, minkoff, zara, pointed, toe

black, wrap, dress

black, wrap, dress
Necklace: H&M // Bag: Rebecca Minkoff :"Jules" Satchel c/o Shopbop // Dress: H&M (similar here under $20) // Vest: Macy's (similar) // Shoes: Zara (similar for $30) // Sunglasses: eBay

It's very rare that I wear all black. With so many colorful pieces out there, I almost forget black is an option. Adding layers in different textures and fabrics make the solid color a little more interesting! This silk vest has been in my wardrobe for years as has this dress. Both get minimal wear but they worked quite well together. 

On a random side note, I watch the "so-bad-it's-good" show Mistresses and this necklace I'm wearing was on the show last week! I love when I see something of mine on TV! Have you ever experienced this? Or am I the only nerd who gets a kick out of this?


  1. So chic and perfect for all the chilly weather we've been having. It's funny but I've never worn more black in a summer than I have this year -- it's like I'm mourning the loss of summer!

    Sed Bona

  2. I LOVE these photos - and you look gorgeous as usual :) xx

  3. I love how you always are so colorful but you look smokin' in all black!!!
