Black Overalls

Monday, November 16, 2015

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls, converse

white, converse, mini, mab, white

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

rebecca, Minkoff, Mini, Mab, black, overalls

One of my biggest excitements in life right now is the prospect of wearing casual clothes for months at a time now that I won't have a job to go to. Teaching has limited my wearing of jeans and definitely my wearing ripped overalls. I freaking love them though and am pretty convinced they look better than some of the work outfits I pull together some days. 

 In my opinion winter is the worst weather to even try to look cute in. You have to wear tights to even think about a skirt or a dress and just generally a million layers, which leave you feeling all stiff-armed and immobile. Not fun! I don't know about you, but I pretty much just want to live in a blanket from December through February. I'm not sad to be missing Chicago's most obscene months once we move.

Now, life finally has no dress code! My lounge wear collection is anticipated to expand as that's what I intend to be doing for most of the winter in SLC. J/k I'll be wearing it in the house while I get our place ready and livable. But why not wear some great Uniqlo sweat pants and flowy Free People sweat shirts in the process, right? I'll also be living in my Lululemon gear too because it's way more socially appropriate for a Whole Foods run than my fleece snowman adult onsie pjs. Yep, I own that.

So as much as I love a good pencil skirt, I hope you don't mind the casual direction this blog is about to take. If leggings, boots, blanket scarves and cape coats, all set to a mountainous backdrop are your jam, stay tuned. I've got you covered!

Thanks to Samantha for the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Could you be any cuter in these?! I have tried to avoid this trend but I may need to jump on board!

    Wishes & Reality
