Wrap Sweater and a Little Life Update

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Athleisure outfit, banana republic wrap sweater karen walker, sunburst sunglasses rebecca minkoff love crossbody black

Athleisure outfit, banana republic wrap sweater karen walker, sunburst sunglasses rebecca minkoff love crossbody black

Athleisure outfit, banana republic wrap sweater karen walker, sunburst sunglasses rebecca minkoff love crossbody black

Athleisure outfit, banana republic wrap sweater

Athleisure outfit, banana republic wrap sweater

eyelash extensions by amazing lash
Sweater: Banana Republic (similar here and here) // Purse: Rebecca Minkoff // Leggings Lululemon // Heels: Nine West // Lashes c/o Amazing Lash studio American Fork // Sunglasses: Karen Walker "Sunburst" c/o Endless Eyewear.  Free month of designer sunnies with code HOTPINKSTYLE!!

So I don't know if you know this about me but if there is a way I can pretend Im wearing real clothes and still actually be wearing my workout clothes, I'm a happy girl! 

This was one of my number one teacher dressing strategies, especially since I always used to go straight from school to a workout class. Now that my daily wardrobe permits outfits like this every day, I'm truly embracing it. In this post I'm wearing my black workout leggings and my favorite long Athleta tank with this Wrap sweater over it. My Nike Flyknits are in the car ;)

I recently started working part time at my favorite workout studio, The Bar Method. I love it so much that when we went house hunting, I made sure we were near one! There is only one in Salt Lake City and we are just a mile down the road from it, so it's pretty perfect for me.

On top of that I've been subbing at a Private School and I must say at first I was a little nervous about subbing, considering I've never really done it before. I've only ever had my own classroom fulltime. After the first day, walking out and not having all the other worries that go along with having your own classroom was kind of refreshing. No papers to grade or lesson plans to write. Just go in, teach and go. It's pretty great!

So if you have been wondering how we are doing out here, the answer is GREAT! Andrew loves his job and I love that I get to do all the things I love, teach, workout, and blog, with way less stress. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates Jill! Sounds like such a great balance!
