Maternity Photos

Monday, September 26, 2016

These pictures are more like a Facebook album in quantity, so my apologies in advance, but it was really hard decide which ones to share. Obviously these are my favorites so I hope it's not too much of an overload. And if you get bored of looking at us goofs and my big ol' belly, check out that scenery!! Our friend Octavia who is an absolutely amazing photographer,  knew all the right little spots to take us up to at Sundance Mountain Resort in Provo. The leaves had just started to change so it was pretty spectacular. Andrew loves Aspen trees so this first location made him super happy. I'm just glad she was able to capture who we really are together. We are silly and don't take ourselves too seriously. We are so excited to be bringing a baby girl into our goofy little family soon. Enjoy.

Huge thanks go out to Octavia for capturing such special moments that we will cherish forever.  And if you are interested in booking a session with her, she is offering a great discount for all of my readers, $100 off a $250 couples or family session making it a steal at $150. She is fast, friendly and super talented, so don't miss this chance, Utah friends! The holidays are coming up fast so what better time is there than now? Email her at to book.

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session

sundance mountain resort, maternity photography session
Black Dress // Cardigan (sold out in regular sizes but still available in plus sizes here) // Striped Sweater Dress // Fringe Booties (old Zara) // Rose Gold Necklace c/o Park Lane


  1. Wow Jill these photos are spectacular! You look so radiant and happy!!!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

    1. Thanks so much, friend! Can't wait to take you up into the mountains to shoot! You will love it!

  2. Love, love, love every single one of these! What a beautiful family!

    1. Thanks, Maria. It seems just like yesterday that you had yours done. I still remember that black and white dress!

  3. YOU GUYS. I can't even. So stinking cute - so excited for you and little Athena!

    1. I'm so excited to have a tiny snuggle buddy for fall and winter! Bring on the baby cuddles by the fire! Thanks for the love Maya. xoxo

  4. Love these pics! Your hair looks on point lady! Love the pic of you guys laughing with A's hands on your belly. Love love love.

    1. Thanks Em. The fall and the mountains always seem to get along with my hair! Didn't you know thats why we moved here? Haha! That laughing pic is my fave too. I mean, that's just us. Goofy weirdos. This girl better have a good sense of humor or we may just have to trade her in. HA!

  5. Wow, Jill! These are just gorgeous. You must be getting so excited!

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality
