5 Things for the New Year

Monday, January 1, 2018

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell

dagne dover petite tote, sweater jumpsuit madewell
Jacket: Zara (old out but similar here) // Jumpsuit: Madewell (on sale for an extra 30% off the sale price right now) // Tee: Target (2 for $18) // Boots: Zara (old) Bag: Dagne Dover petite tote(part of the end of season sale making it $89!) // necklace "5" charm

Five things for the New Year:

Bed is my bestie! I love my bed, my beautiful king-sized bed. Always have. But now I dream of it. Count down the hours and minutes 'til I get to dive in there and close my eyes. It's my own little slice of heaven. That is, until the alarm goes off at 5 AM. Ugh.

Have good friends who get it and get you. Don't waste your time on anyone who doesn't think you are awesome, wonderful, smart and special and you think the same of them. I love my friends and think they are pretty much the coolest people around and I'm lucky to have so many women I look up to and can count on.

Being a working mom is hard. Like, really hard. I feel like I hit the ground running for hours even before the baby is awake and then I'm go-go-go all day until well after she goes to bed. And moms who teach little children is like next-level momming, in my opinion. You leave your own kid to go care for 30 other kids, and then go back and get your kid. It's a whole day of various children in need of your constant guidance and attention. It sucks you emotionally dry in a way I can't explain. Luckily, I love being a teacher or I would find myself a job where I got to sit down for more than two minutes at a time.

Comfort takes on a whole new meaning. There are sweatpants, and then there are your comfy pants. You know what I mean? The ones you would pick over all the others. They may even be really ugly (I know mine are) but sometimes you need to take it up a notch to mega comfort when your days are nonstop movement, and you want to come home and put on your best and coziest. I am kind of a snob about my lounge wear this year and as you may have seen on my Insta stories, adult onesies are my jam. Two pieces that topped this list this year are these two variations of the same thermal shirt, crew neck and cowl. I may even be wearing one right now. Shout-out to my Ugg slippers that are ugly as eff but so comfy I sometimes accidentally wear them out in public.

I have enough stuff. This is one I have been working on and plan to continue working on. We really want Athena to not grow up in a house full of clutter so we do a really good job of limiting her toys and the amount of new stuff we bring in. I want to work on this for myself too. I am at a point where I kind of have all the things that I really need, so as for new gadgets, furniture and even clothes, it feels unnecessary. I am trying to be really thoughtful of any more clothing purchases I make. It does make blogging a little harder because I won't have a bunch of new clothes to show you but when you do see me buy/rave about something, you know it's something I really value. Like this sweater jumpsuit I'm wearing in the post that I literally wore out of the package!

On that same note, THANK YOU to everyone who reached out to me this year about appreciating how real and honest I set out to be. I really do value my integrity as a blogger and will never sell you on something just to make money. I love that you guys trust my recommendations because you see me using the things I recommend day in and day out and know I actually stand behind them. I love this space and I'm so happy you all come back for more, even if it takes me a month and a half to put up a new blog post. Thanks for being real right along side me! 


  1. Coolest wall ever Jill! Miss you tons and hope your 2018 is your best year ever!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  2. Miss you tons my love! Hopefully I'll come visit in the spring and you can meet Athena Boo finally!
