Temple of Apollo

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

One of my favorite adventures from our honeymoon was hiking to the top of the Temple of Apollo. From far away it looks massive and like such a rough hike, but much like getting to the top of the Acropolis in Athens, it wasn't that bad.

Once you get up there, my oh my how the perspective changes. The ocean is just breathtaking from every which way you looked at it. It was just so blue and expansive. One side of the temple was more of a cliff which you can see me perched on below (yes I was scared) and the other was easier to hike down and on a more walkable incline. It took us down to the clearest little pool. It was crazy to have this calm little spot just a few feet away from the violent ocean. It was such a beautiful contrast and one of my favorite spots we found on the trip.

On the way back up we found little puddles of sea salt that dried up from when the tide went out. If only I brought a zip lock baggie maybe I wouldn't have to spend so much on sea salt at Whole Foods back in Chicago!

Anyway, enjoy another photo-heavy post from the Temple of Apollo in Naxos. And if you like some good workout fashion then this post is for you.

Dont forget to check all the way at the bottom for some SALE info!!

A view on the walk over to the temple. Just look how clear that water is! This ain't Lake Michigan, kids!

 The Temple of Apollo from a distance.

 A cute little bit of shoreline at the foot of the temple.

 A view backwards from the part of town we just came in from. I loved the little beach area to the right.

 How incredible is this view? Just amazing.

 Almost to the top!

 The Temple of Apollo!

 We actually managed to find other people to take our picture. You may notice we didn't have much company up there.

 Just being silly.

 Eek! Yeah that freaks me out just looking at it! 

 My pretty little crystal-clear pool right next to the sapphire blue ocean! The contrast was just so awesome!

Pants: Gap (very similar here)
Tank and headband: Lululemon
Sunglasses: Kate Spade (similar here)

The sea salt we found.

On a completely unrelated note, anyone who feels like doing a little shopping, Piperlime is offering 20% off sale merchandise with code TREAT til the end of today. There are some really great dresses (like this one that I picked up in NYC that is now on sale) at amazing prices so get over there and shop TODAY!