Hot Pink Moto

Friday, February 21, 2014

When it comes to shopping, I'm not a digger. I hate to dig through piles of sale items from who knows what brands. The only place I am willing to do that digging is the Bloomingdales Outlet at the Chicago Fashion Outlets because my track record is so good. I scored a pair of Seven jeans for $65 and then I found this hot pink moto jacket that was screaming my name. There was not much digging involved in finding this one actually, it was pretty hard to miss.

And speaking of good deals, let me call to your attention my amazing new Joie sweater that I scored for $49 (down from $198) at Roam Chicago! They provided all the clothes that the girls and I wore on WGN so I just had to go in and check out what they had. And what they had was a SALE! I got some pretty spectacular deals on some labels I would otherwise never be able to afford.

pink, moto, jacket

pink, moto, jacket

pink, moto, jacket

pink, moto, jacket
White button-down: Forever 21 (just $9)
Sweater: Joie via Roam Boutique Chicago
Moto Jacket: Calvin Klein via Bloomingdales Outlet at the Fashion Outlets of Chicago