Tweed Dress

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This dress is one of those items that sits in my closet, and then I put it on and remember why. 

That's right, it's because this dress is not really a dress on me, more of a tunic, so I always have to wear it with leggings. Tall girl problems.

Early in the day a thread just to the left of the bottom of the zipper got tugged out after it got stuck on a binder at a meeting. You can see its sad self hanging out. The other bad part that you can't see is that this dress shed light fuzz all over the black long-sleeve button-down I wore underneath it. One student actually asked me what happend and how did I get all "dirty."

So this outfit may look put together from afar, just don't look too close.

toggle, black, coat

tweed, dress

tweed, dress
Coat: Andrew Marc
Dress: Kirna Zabete from Target from last year
Leggings: Aritzia TNA
Boots: DSW


  1. Yeah, it is a short dress (and I say that at 5'2") and you always have to layer something under it, but still, I think it's pretty cute and you are right, from afar, it looks perfect.

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. So much good tweed action going on girlfriend! Also, I love the new look of the blow - so chic! xx

  3. The lace at the back really helps fit the dress to your body and for a white dress it makes you look as slim as it gets. The trail is gorgeous too. If you are looking to save money on it, this is a good choice
