Utah Fashion Week Party

Monday, April 11, 2016

LBD, Red hair, winter dress. dress with sleeves, red hairstyle, yellow cocoon coat j crew, red heels, comfortable heels, rebecca minkoff love cross body, vintage black dress

LBD, Red hair, winter dress. dress with sleeves, red hairstyle, yellow cocoon coat j crew, red heels, comfortable heels, rebecca minkoff love cross body, vintage black dress

LBD, Red hair, winter dress. dress with sleeves, red hairstyle, yellow cocoon coat j crew, red heels, comfortable heels, rebecca minkoff love cross body, vintage black dress

LBD, Red hair, winter dress. dress with sleeves, red hairstyle, yellow cocoon coat j crew, red heels, comfortable heels, rebecca minkoff love cross body, vintage black dress

LBD, Red hair, winter dress. dress with sleeves, red hairstyle, yellow cocoon coat j crew, red heels, comfortable heels, rebecca minkoff love cross body, vintage black dress
Dress and Scarf: Decades SLC / Purse: Rebecca Minkoff // Heels: Sole Society // Bracelet: (old) Forever 21 (pretty much identical here) // Jacket: J. Crew  // Thumb ring: Henri Bendel

This looks is from the Utah Fashion Week kick-off party. My blogger buddy Sandy (who also took these picks for me) and I went to get a little dinner before the party. I was really excited to go because it was really pretty much my first blogger event in Utah and I was finally going to get to meet so many of the lovely ladies I had been creeping on, on Instagram since before I moved here. Don't judge. You know you'd do it to if you were moving somewhere entirely new! Unlike most people, I kind of love to strike up converstations with new people. needless to say, I chatted with a bunch of gals that I'm now happy to call friends.

Soon I'll feature the other pretty vintage dress I got at Decades here in SLC. It's seriously the most well organized, affordable and well kept vintage store I've ever been in. And it's ENORMOUS! Every time I go in there  find something new and awesome. I love their scarf bin (non-vintage one I'm in love with currently) and even managed to find a few that I sent home to some of my favorite Chicago girls!


  1. I love all of the colors in this post. Cute!

    Sincerely, Jennie

  2. Thanks so much Jennie! Hope you are doing well in Chicago! Miss you! xoxo
