New Specs

Thursday, February 26, 2015

joe, fresh, denim

joe, fresh, denim

sole, society, hat

joe, fresh, denim

rebecca, minkoff, crossbody, quilted

Recently I got new glasses, but I rarely wear them all day. Usually they are for when I enter grades on the computer at school. Looking at all those tiny percentages can give me a headache. Sometimes it just feels better to leave them on then to adjust after taking them off. These photos were taken right after school. And this my frends is how my new specs finally made their way onto a blog post. 


  1. Cute specs!! And I so love that purse!! <3

    1. Thanks. I totally feel that same love towards this bag!

  2. That Rebecca Minkoff bag!!! It looks so luxe! And those specs really suit you Jill -- perfect for the uber stylish teacher you are!!

    Sed Bona

  3. Aww thanks buddy! You're the best!
