Getting Back in Shape After Baby

Friday, March 10, 2017

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jujube legacy diaper bag, athleta cut out chaturanga tight, audrey and olive bomber jacket

jujube legacy diaper bag, athleta cut out chaturanga tight, audrey and olive bomber jacket

If you knew me before my rough pregnancy, you knew I LOVED to workout. I love taking classes and trying new ones as much as I can. However with my pregnancy came serious nausea, heartburn and carpal tunnel that swelled my hands so bad that even prenatal yoga became impossible. I had to quit doing Bar Method at 18 weeks because the nausea and heartburn were both too bad. Then at 26 weeks even my once a week attempt at prenatal yoga was too much on my hands and wrists that I couldn't even do a down dog. 

Now coming from a girl who liked to work out every day, this set me into a serious funk. Working out was always my release and happiness for the day. It made me happy to do something good for myself, and without it, I didn't feel strong or have that daily reset that I craved. I didn't feel like myself and it wore me down hard.

I have been dealing with this here body of mine for 35 years now and I know that I have the type of body that will gain weight quickly and loose strength if I don't keep active daily. When I had to stop working out I could feel myself loosing strength and muscle and it felt just plain gross, especially because I couldn't do anything to control it. To make matters worse I hated everything about food, especially veggies and fruit for 9 months straight and it was all kinds of depressing. It sucked to just watch my hard work disappear and there wasn't much I could do about it.

So now here I am on the other side of that rough pregnancy trying to fix the damage. And any of you who have had a baby or even a serious injury, know how humbling it can be to start back at square one. Classes I was once good at and excited to take, now make me feel like a newbie and leave me drained. But I am not letting that stop me! I have been back at hot yoga for the last 3 weeks, Bar Method at least 3 times a week and hiking and walking in my hilly hood with the baby daily!

Food also instantly changed after I had the baby. I love Whole 30 and clean eating because they are the easiest for me. The fruits and vegetables that once made me absolutely sick when I was pregnant are back to being my main source of food. It was so strange that the instant I had Athena, I was ready to eat them again and it was such a welcome comeback. First thing I ordered in the hospital was green beans and 2 fruit cups!

I knew this would be a struggle but it really is a whole new beast after baby to get healthy again. Aside from just making healthy choices you have the struggle of being able to actually carry out those choices. You want to workout but are exhausted from being up with the baby all night, or you can't get away for long enough to take a class or even pick up groceries to do meal prep, also just preparing a meal can be daunting. At one point in my pregnancy I was so scared I'd forget healthy things I liked to cook so I made a list called "Jill Food" so I would remember what I liked when food didn't make me sick. I still look at this list because my brain did forget all the yummy things I used to cook on the regular. I'm glad I made it because I look at it now and get great "new" ideas!

People also keep telling me to cut myself a break and that it takes time and I think I really am doing that even though it's throwing up new challenges daily, I think Andrew and I are working really hard to make sure we keep up with a healthy way of living. He's been very supportive of helping me to get a work out in and allowing me time to rest to have energy to recover from it. 

Progress will be slow and steady, but I'm up for the challenge. If you have any tips for getting back in shape after baby (or after injury, cause I've got one of those from childbirth) send it my way. 


  1. Hey girl! Losing the baby weight is SO hard! I definitely struggled and still struggle. Even with breastfeeding, there are a couple extra pounds that just won't go away! I have found something that I think is really starting to make a difference though... Weight Watchers! I know, crazy, but it's working. I just use the app and track points. It's pretty eye opening. I finally started fitting into my pre-baby clothes. They even take into consideration breastfeeding which is pretty great!

    1. I'm so happy you found something that worked for you. I feel like I'm finally getting back into my groove and aside from the workout classes I take I'm trying to incorporate at home workouts (which I kind of hate but will do anyway) in as much as possible.

      Keep kicking that baby weights butt!
