What I'm Actually Buying, Wearing and Loving This Holiday Season.

Friday, November 24, 2017

I know you are probably sick of hearing about sale, but if our here, it's because you trust me that I don't always try to sell you on random stuff. I tell you truthfully about only the stuff I'm actually loving and spend my own money on, and spend it wisely because I love a good sale and am willing to wait one out on things worth waiting for.

The items I'm linking here I own, love and wear. Cross my heart! I'm sure some of you have even seen some of these loungy items  in my Instastories because that's how I dress the moment I get home from work.  Like these Ugg slippers or my buffalo check thermal pants and buttery top made from the softest cozy material. Also if you have seen Athena and I rocking onesies together you know I love some adult onesie jammies. Especially when they are 50% off. Pretty much everything you see below is either on sale or worth paying the price in my opinion.

The two that are added into the mix for Athena are some new Freshly Picked baby moccasins because they are 25% off right now and the only shoes we own that don't make walking hard for her or make her feet smell. I also loaded up on H&M baby tights for her in multiple colors. They have so many great two-packs for keeping her legs warm for winter and under pants for our hikes.

And if you are looking for some holiday outfit ideas that are actually comfortable, check out yesterdays post, which consists of more stuff I already own and love and will totally be wearing for all our Holiday parties.

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