The Things That Matter the Most

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater

fall in utah, mountains leaves changing colors, gap hooded cardigan sweater
Long Cardigan // Leggings // Loafers // Hat (super old J. Crew) Similar here for $15

To say the last few weeks have been busy is an understatement. Andrew's new election schedule keeping him at work well past my bedtime, teaching and doing parent-teacher conferences for two weeks, before during and after school everyday and Athena moving to a new preschool have been wearing me down. 

You have probably noticed I don't post here much anymore. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the things going on in life are so important to me and I just want to do them all as best as I can. Unfortunately that means this creative outlet for me takes the back burner. The things that matter the most move to the forefront. Athena and my family are always top, my career and being present for my 22 kiddos I am lucky enough to teach everyday is something I care deeply about and put my heart and so much attention into. 

And although I'm not here frequently, you do see me on my Instagram stories pretty regularly. In the last few weeks I've received some of the best, sweetest, most heartfelt messages I've ever gotten. Sure I want you to like my outfits and be inspired by my sense of style, but the most moving messages I've received are about my role as a mother and teacher. I've gotten messages telling me that you respect my choices as a mother, like how we don't let Athena watch TV or that we put her to bed early and that we make her schedule a priority. Also kind words on how we try to get her out into nature and even get dirty out on hikes. And even a few about how you respect my job as a teacher and that I'm teaching full time while being a mom and you can tell how invested I am in my job as a teacher. Way to hit me where it counts' guys. 

Really these are the things that matter the most to me and so when you say that you admire these things that I'm working so hard on behind the scenes, It really makes my heart happy and lets me know that even though I'm not on here posting all that much, the bit I do put out there is making a difference. Thank you for all the love and support. My greatest joys are creating a happy family for Athena to grow in and creating a kind environment for my kiddos at school to learn in. Life is pretty darn good and thank you for being part of the journey.

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