Athleta Dress

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

top, notch, tee dress, athleta, evergreen

top, notch, tee dress, athleta, evergreen

top, notch, tee dress, athleta, evergreen

top, notch, tee dress, athleta, evergreen

zac, posen, tennille

orange, j, crew, new, balance

This Athleta dress proved to be a super comfortable option for our 3 hour drive up into the Mountains for Andrew's recent half marathon in Moab. On the way we made the super-healthy (not) choice to try out these spectacular waffles at Waffle Love! If you are ever in the Salt Lake City area, seriously, these are not to be missed. We took our first bite and just kind of looked at each other, like, how is it even possible for something to be so freaking delicious? Yes. THAT good.

Later I found just how powerful the moisture wicking abilities of this sporty dress where when I realized the gooey carmel from the waffle dripped all down my dress. I tried to wash it off but the water just beaded up and rolled off the dress! It needed a solid soak-down to get it clean. But even with that it dried super quick. 

Lesson learned? Waffle eating isn't a sporting event, so don't wear performance gear while eating it, unless you want to come out the other end a sticky mess!

1 comment:

  1. How absolutely brilliant are these photos?? I'm going to miss you so SO SO much when you move to SLC!

    Ashley || Sed Bona
