Life Update

Monday, January 9, 2017

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style

Armitron watch, faux shearling moto jacket, post partum outfit, mom style
Jacket // Watch c/o Armitron // Hightops (old from Old Navy but similar here) // White ruffle top // Leggings from The Red Closet Shop

A couple of things...

1. How lucky am I that I get to live in a place that looks like this, on a random spot on the side of the road! I really love living in Utah in the winter. The snow and the mountains are magical.

2. This outfit above is about as fancy as I'm getting these days. There are a lot of leggings going on, and these peep knee ones are at the top of my list and a steal for under $20! This ruffle tee has been my go-to for hiding my post-partum belly so I bought it in two colors. This digital Armitron watch has been a savior for late-night feedings too. It lights up all middle-school style, which is super helpful when I stumble around in the dark. Also it can be worn in the shower, because who has time to take off their watch with a newborn around?

3. Hi! I'm sorry to have been so MIA, but I'm really just enjoying spending time with my girl! So much so that I'm barely even getting dressed in proper clothes, much less take pictures, much less post. I do insist on having my hair blown out. Even if it is dirty for a few days, it's the one thing that makes me feel like a human being when I look in the mirror so I schedule time to blow out my hair after a shower every few days. You have to do some things to make you feel like yourself after having a baby, and that is my one thing.

Ok, so, updates on life...

Andrew and I are insane! We decided that at a time when we are stressed and sleep deprived with a new baby... that the best idea was to also start a Whole 30! If you have ever done one before you know the cooking load is labor-intensive and the food withdrawals are pretty insane. Like having crazy food dreams. It even has a timeline on how strange things are going to get over the 30 days. Quite honestly, now that we are over a week into it, I have to say it feels awesome! For the last 11 months, I was simply not eating like myself. During pregnancy, my usual favorites of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins all made me mega nauseous. And after having the baby, it became about finding foods that I can eat with one hand. There was a really weird puffy Cheeto phase that I'd rather not talk about. So we are deep in this and even though it sounds insane to do this under the current life circumstances, I actually think it's kind of easier because I just eat what we have pre-made in big batches and forget about it. I don't have time to crave things. 

Enough about me, you didn't come here to hear about me, you want to know about baby Athena, right? Well, even though I talked a lot of smack about her demon-baby ways when she was in the womb (because that's how she ACTED in there), she is now just the sweetest most well-behaved angel baby we could have asked for. She was a champ on the whole trip to Chicago and all the long car rides to Wisconsin. She was cool with meeting a million new people and being cuddled to within an inch of her life by all her loving aunties. She's just such a good baby. She even sleeps like a champ too. This past week being home with her while Andrew is back at work has been interesting learning all her little ways and cues. She really only cries when she wants something, like food or a new diaper, and the situation is pretty easily remedied. 

Even though the days can be stressful sometimes, I'm so lucky to be able to take this time off and be with her and watch her grow this year. It really is a gift and I'm glad I worked 11 years teaching before this to truly appreciate the opportunity.

That being said, we still wouldn't mind some extra sleep! Babysitters anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for doing the Whole 30! I look forward to hearing how it goes. I hope you guys had a great holiday Jill!

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality
