My Top New-Mom Favorites

Monday, January 30, 2017

Ok, so I've been at this mom gig for almost three months now and I can say with confidence that there are a few things we can't live without.

Beluga Baby wrap: I'm not sure who liked this one more, Athena or me. This super soft bamboo baby carrier wrap goes on easy and comes in some really gender-neutral colors which means it's perfect for Andrew or me to wear. I think my favorite part though is that there are really easy tutorials on the Beluga Baby site on how and when to use different wrap styles. Now that I've been using it, it's so easy to cozy Athena right up on my chest so she can hang out with me all day long. She loves the cuddles just as much as I do.

beluga baby, baby wearing, baby wrap

Trifecta of baby sleep magic: Our baby, thus far, sleeps well. And pretty much has since day one. I consider us SUPER lucky and I have my fingers crossed as well as anything else I can cross that this good thing lasts as long as it can! Maybe it's just her or maybe it's the sweet combination of these three things that we use together exclusively at night so she gets the hint that it's nighttime.

1. Zen Swaddle: This unique swaddler was a gift from my mom. It's one of those random items that pop up on my Facebook feed as an ad that I probably would have never tried if it wasn't gifted to me, but boy am I glad it was. It has little weighted sacks on the chest flap as well as the sides that are supposed to mimic human touch. I'm guessing Athena digs this because she is out cold within minutes of putting this on. My favorite part is that this sucker has some SERIOUS velcro and it's the only swaddler she couldn't wiggle her arms out of.

2. DockATot: A sweet little baby dock where you can put the baby down and know they are safe. Athena loved to sleep in hers and up until recently, slept in it every night! She is a tall little lady so she's getting a bit too long for it now but we still take it with us on quick weekends away. Click here to get a 10% off coupon! You're welcome!

3. White Noise MachineThis little device drowns out everything around Athena's little head which helps a ton because her nursery is close to the washer and dryer. With this going we can do whatever we want and she stays in her blissful little sleep bubble and isn't distracted! We also take this with us on trips and it fits in the DocATot zipper carrying bag which we use as her all-in-one suitcase! It fits her bed, then in the hollow part we toss her clothes, blanket and white noise machine and we're good to go!

Carters fleece footie pjs: Because any pajamas without a zipper and covered feet is for suckers! Who wants to be snapping in the middle of the night or searching for tiny baby socks that get kicked off instantly? Not me. Cozy fleece + zip-up one piece + footies = easy nights!

baby pajamas, footie pajamas, warm baby pjs
Athena's sleeper // She's More Bow

Boon Grass Drying Rack: It's like the one thing that is a dead giveaway that our house has a baby in it. It's not the prettiest thing and doesn't really match our decor but it does easily dry all the silly bottle pieces and tiny pump parts that I'd probably lose in a minute if it weren't for this thing.

Copper Pearl Bandana Bibs: Athena is a drooler and a super sloppy eater so these little bibs are cute, soft and absorbent. As an added bonus she looks like a little bandit in them and when they turn around she looks like a baby super hero in a cape. What's not to love there?

Armitron digital watch: In the early days when I didn't know what time or day it was and certainly didn't know how long I had been nursing Athena, I relied on this little Armitron digital watch to help me remember what the heck was going on at what times of day. Phones are great for time but the thing that made this better is that it was attached to my body. I could see it while my arms were in use.
armitron digital watch

Lactation Link: Breastfeeding, like most things you've never done before, is hard. And it's not just a one-and-done kind of thing. It keeps evolving 'til you get into a good groove and start to figure out what's ok and what feels right for you and the baby. I wrote a post back here on how awesome they are and how helpful they were in those first few weeks.


  1. Such a good list for new borns! I wish I read this before my little man was born! Also, your little girl is so adorable!

  2. Such a good list for new borns! I wish I read this before my little man was born! Also, your little girl is so adorable!
