26 Weeks

Sunday, August 7, 2016

gap maxi, dress blue, easy maternity outfit, adidas and a dress

gap maxi, dress blue, easy maternity outfit, adidas and a dress

This is one ridiculously easy to wear outfit, which is probably why I bought this Gap dress in two different shades of blue. It's not Maternity but certainly stretches to accommodate the bump. The first one I bought in navy on sale for around $21 and I thought that was a good deal. The one you see here I found in store marked down to $19 with an extra 40% off. When I brought it up to the register it rang up $7!! I'm not sure what kind of math Gap is doing but I'm not going to argue with a $7 dress!

Also I should mention that although this post is titled 26 weeks, I am actually 27 weeks currently, and the photos were taken in my 25th! Life has just been so crazy traveling for the last two weeks, it's been near impossible to get a post up.

The pregnancy update itself is almost too lackluster to share. She's still healthy, but man am I NOT! I'm still sick, still nauseous, still throwing up, still bad heartburn and I've also developed a fun new symptom. Apparently I have carpal tunnel now which makes me feel like an old lady who cant open jars or control a hair brush. The doctor says the pain can minimized by wrist splints. Fun stuff, huh? I feel like I'm in the running for the award of worst pregnancy of all the people I know, but I really don't want to win this contest. Let's just hope she throws me a bone and gives me either an easy delivery or a good temperament. For her sake she better be a sweet heart, because mama didn't teach inner city kids for 11 years and not learn a few tricks. She has to deal with ME on the outside! 

1 comment:

  1. This is literally the best bumpdate i've ever read! *crying laughing*
