Why I Have Sentimental Value For This Romper

Thursday, February 4, 2016

hushpuppies, booties, jean, jacket, romper

hushpuppies, booties, jean, jacket, romper

rebecca, Minkoff, crossbody, phone, case

red, hair, bob

rebecca, Minkoff, crossbody, phone, case, fringe

rebecca, Minkoff, crossbody, phone, case, fringe

orange, booties, hushpuppies

I realized I never shared this long sleeved romper look but it kind of holds a special place in my heart. The day these pictures were taken was the first day I ever stepped foot in our new house!

To say we had been looking hard for a place to live in SLC all while living in Chicago is an understatement. I seriously could NOT think of anything else. Any time I had a free second in the halls at school I would hop on one of the many Realestate apps that was crowding up my phone. It was all consuming. I was terrified of moving to a new place and hating where I lived because anyone who knew me in Chicago knew how much I adored my old apartment. 

As you can probably tell from my snapchats and previous posts, I love to decorate too. I had just finished redecorating our place in Chicago when the chance to move arrived. It made it bittersweet to leave. A good friend of mine tells me know that if you think your home is "done" then it's probably time to leave. How right she was! We were ready for a change. 

After seeing about 4 places out of hundreds that I would like to see, go off the market in just days I became extremely discouraged! Then one lunch break at school, I saw out current home on an app and it just came on the market. I prayed that it would stay on the market for the 2 weeks we needed till we would be out there to see it with our own two eyes. We weren't dumb, we'd never buy something sight unseen. Or even rent for that matter. 

I tried to keep my expectations low because every other place we liked was snapped up in a few days. Finally the day came that we flew out to SLC to look for houses. We had a massive excel spreadsheet with rentals, condos, and homes all ready to go. The night we arrived it was super late but we were compelled to drive past our now home to see what we though. We saw the lights of the valley sparkling from the front knowing that could be our view one day. Still we waited and went to see  about 5 billion properties in the next two days. The first one we visited was our house now. We loved it but thought we ought to see what else was out there to compare. After seriously LONG days of our realtor probably hating us for making her take us to every property out there (all of which were HARD no's, we asked if we could go back and see the first house we saw. We pretty much knew then that nothing compared to it for us. We loved it. 

My brain remembers events by outfits I wear which is pretty funny considering I have a blog cataloging my life by outfits. So this will forever be documented as the outfit I wore when we first met our new home in SLC! 


  1. How are you SOOOO adorable?? Love this romper on you!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  2. Awwww! I love an outfit that has sentimental value! Such a sweet story!
    The Adored Life
