Fall Layers and the Beginning of the End

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

aritzia dress, fall layers, Choies boots, tan hat

First of all this dress, and really anything from Aritzia are my classic pieces that never go out of style. I don't think there is a single thing I've ever bought there that I still don't own and love! I've turned countless friends onto the store too. The quality is excellent and somehow manages to fit me at 8 months pregnant as well as not pregnant at all!

These pictures were take on the way home from our baby moon in Park City which was pretty much the beginning of the end of my ability to function independently. As soon as I got home I started feeling shooting pains down my back side. I had felt these a little bit before but these were getting intense. So I took it easy and stayed on the couch for most of the night then hoped a night's sleep would make it better.

The next morning I walked from our bedroom to the kitchen and had to sit down. After trying to call the doctor for about an hour, I finally called Andrew and told him I was in a lot pain. I couldn't take a step without uncontrollably bawling and shrieking out in pain. He came home and tried to help me figure out someone we could talk to since the doctors office still wasn't answering. All I could think that made sense as to why there was no answer was that it was Columbus Day and maybe they were closed but that just didn't seem right. After finally deciding that we would just go to the emergency room, we tried my doctor one more time and they finally answered. We found out their power went out which was why it kept going to the answering service. Thank goodness I wasn't in labor.

Getting to the car seemed next to impossible since every step was so incredibly painful but Andrew managed to scoop me into the back seat and get me to the doctor. After crying and squeaking my way into the room, my doctor told me it was my sciatic nerve and that something was pinching it, maybe the baby's head, maybe the pressure from my bones on it. They put me on pain killers and sent me to a Physical Therapist the quickest they could. Never have I felt pain so terrible in my life! A few of the nurses and people I have talked to said that they have had some of that nerve pain as well and it was worse than labor so that made me feel like labor won't be so terrible.

As of now, it's so so much better. PT taught me better ways to stand and sit and gave me exercises to do to make the pain better which have helped immensely. Since then I have pretty much given up on driving though. It's not worth the chance of it coming back suddenly and getting into an accident, not to mention it's really hard to look back and back a car up with a big belly in your way. I'm a slave to Andrew coming home and taking me to the grocery store just for a chance to get out. Now we are just playing the waiting game. I'm due the 7th of November but I'm hoping for earlier. Let's hope she gets here soon and stops being a literal pain in her mothers butt!


  1. Glad you're feeling better! And sending good vibes she comes sooner than later!!

    1. I'm going to hope those vibes work, Ashley! Thanks mama!

  2. Hang in there Jill! You're in my thoughts!

    1. Thanks Heidi for all your support along the way. Xoxo
