Our First Halloween as Homeowners

Monday, October 31, 2016

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Kuwahara farms, pumpkin patch, draper UT, fall activities, yosi Samra, fall maternity outfit

Usually I love Halloween. In the past I always had fun dressing up for school and confusing my students (especially when I dress up like Paul Bunyan) but this year is different. This is the first time I'll live somewhere where we get actual trick-or-treaters and I'll not be at school. In fact I'll be very near my due date! Living in the city in an apartment, we always dodged that bullet, but this year we have a door and a porch and everything. Super weird for us city dwellers. In fact, in all my life, I've never lived in a single family home until we bought this one! My whole life in Chicago has been shared walls up until this point in my life. 

So with being home and the prospect of the door bell going off every few minutes, I'm contemplating leaving a bowl of candy of the step. I'm in no position to be hopping up every 2 minutes to answer the door. What 39 week pregnant woman would be? Is it terrible that I've considered hiding downstairs in the basement? Tell me I'm not the only one!

So these pictures are from the cutest little pumpkin patch called Kuwahara Farms in Draper, UT that my friend Sandy took me to. She went a little pumpkin crazy and bought a bunch for her front stoop. However, again, the city girl in me gets the best of me and I refuse to put pumpkins on my step because 1. It's an invitation for rodents to come nibble on them. I mean, look how crazy everyone goes for pumpkin flavored anything. Why would wild creatures feel any less desire to eat the free unattended snacks? 2. Although I live in a nice safe neighborhood, I still have that city fear in me of jerk-face kids vandalizing and smashing the pumpkins. I'm not sure how long it will take to shake the city mindset out of me but after 34 years of living in Chicago, but it seems I always assume the worst and prepare accordingly.

Boy, I sure sound like a Halloween bummer. At least there will be a big bowl of "the good stuff" on our front porch and hopefully Andrew can get home from work early enough that I don't have to answer the door every 2 minutes. Wish me luck on our first Halloween as homeowners!

Pictures thanks to Sandy

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