Green, Yellow and Cheetah

Monday, September 23, 2013

This is what I wore for open house at my school. No parents were going to miss me coming or going! And if it weren't attention-holding enough with all the bright colors, I added the cheetah pumps for a little texture. I had been wearing my favorite neon necklace as well, but forgot to put it back on after I worked out. 

I've had my eye on this blouse for some time now. I even recommended it to one of my clients I was shopping for. I finally caved when I saw it in person at the Fashion Outlets of Chicago's J. Crew Factory store. Especially when it was 40% off AND an additional 15% off with my teacher discount! Just another silk blouse to add to my ever-growing collection.


Shoes: Zara (sold out but here's a similar new favorite of mine)
Silk blouse: J. Crew Factory (I'm obsessed with the color)

Click either the links above or the pictures below!


  1. I'm surprised you dared to wear green and yellow in Illinois since they are Packers colors (totally coming from someone who could care less about football, but that was my first thought). I love that purse and wish I had run out to get one on the day they were released!

    1. What is this "Football" thing you speak of? never heard of it! HAHA. Sports arent even a blip on my radar! Sorry you missed out on the purse, there is alway eBay...

    2. As her husband and a sports fan, I can vouch for that. Jill couldn't possibly care less about sports.

  2. I am definitely smitten with your bright and bold look! This is such a fun color block.
    Chic on the Cheap
