Workout Wednesday

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I know you are used to seeing me in all my work-appropriate teacher looks. But today, I thought it would be nice to share another part of my fashion life with my readers. 

Working out is a huge part of my life, and I'm usually in looks like you see below six days a week. And of course, I try to make sure that my workout clothes are just as cute as my daytime clothes. 

So today, I thought it would be fun to try to capture some of those looks to share on the blog, pre-drenched-in-sweat of course!

I love to try out new classes and make new friends in the Chicago fitness scene. I've had such great experiences with so many of my workouts in Chicago.  I met my lady loves that we all call the "yoga lobas" whom I met a few years back during Hot Yoga Sculpt classes.

As some of you may know from past blog collaborations, I am a huge WERQ Dance Fitness fan! I love the fun and energetic teachers that just force you to smile through the sweat and squats!

Most recently I've added in Bar Method classes. These are especially addicting with their 21-classes-in-30-days challenge - going on now - where full-grown adults get to fill in a sticker chart for each completed class! 

I also love being a healthy-living role model for my students, both in my own example and by serving as coach for my school's division of Girls on the Run in the spring.

Would you be interested in seeing more from my fitness and health ideas here on Hot Pink Style? Feedback welcomed in the comments below - I'd love to know!

Jacket: Lululemon (similar)
Leggings: Ellie
Shoes: Nike "Victoria" (really cool pair here)
Socks: Forever 21


  1. You look so gosh darn cute! You need to help me with my workout usually consists of basketball shorts and oversized t-shirts. I just joined a gym again and am afraid I might get kicked out:P
