Memphis Wedding Fun!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

What happens when the oldest of friends get together for a wedding? Well just to name a few: nine-hour road trips, a speeding ticket (my very first in my whole life... sorry officer, I was going fast because there was a lull in the HURRICANE I was driving through), drinks, more drinks, trolly rides, lots of coffee and of course some Cracker Barrel. 

And most importantly a SUPER FUN wedding! Jay and Shelly, I couldn't be happier for both of you!

This dress was actually in my donate pile for quite some time but I recently tried it on again and discovered I still kinda like it! I love when that happens!

 Trolly fun!

Dress and bib necklace: Forever 21, Sandals: Sam Edelman Sophie, Earrings Anthropologie, Watch Michael Kors, Bracelets: Forever 21 and LOFT, Sunglasses: Target, Lips: Ruby Woo by Mac

 This pretty lady (my best friend since way back) flew all the way in from Mexico for this wedding! 

Photo booth takeover!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! And thanks for reading! Love your comments!

  2. I want those sandals!!! xoxo

    1. 2 of my friends have them as well. It's difficult for us all to plan shoes when we go out together! xoxo right back at ya! And thanks for reading!

  3. ^^Three of your friends do now! Amanda said she bought a pair. LOL.
    looove those sunglasses!! Not like I need another pair, since I bought 5 new pairs this summer season.. yet.. must have those.

    1. Hey, if they are only from stores like Target or Forever 21 who care if you buy 5!
