Last Night in Naxos

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our last night in Naxos was bittersweet but we made the most of it. It began with a stroll into the square where I got to experience tiny fish nipping at the dead skin on my feet (very attractive thought, I know - see the pictures below). I'm not really sure why I thought this would be a good idea considering I have very ticklish feet. Let's just say it was a very long 15 minutes, but fun! Glad I can say that I tried it and made it through. Definitely an experience!

After that we walked around the square a bit and went into some of the shops where I purchased my only fashion-related item of the whole trip (shocking, right?), a really cute striped skirt that you will see in a Santorini post coming up!

We then waked down to the waterfront where we had the best of our Naxos dinners. I had a salad that changed my world, which was basically just red and white cabbage shaved with greek dressing (olive oil and yummy vinegar). It's all I've been eating for lunch since I got back. Goodbye lettuce!

After that we went through the old market which is just a jumble of narrow, winding alleyways lined with shops. It's what I imagine shopping is like in a mall made of caves.

Tomorrow's post holds pictures from the most magical place we visited on our trip, Santorini. Can't wait to show it to you!

Sandals: Shoemint "Lina"
Shorts: Zara
Tie-front top: Forever 21 (unavailable but others still available like this, this and this)
Bracelet: Forever 21 (old)
Watch: La Mer (similar here but really want this one SO BAD)

The town square at night.

Trying to hold it together while the fish did their work.

The ice cream/sweet treat hub of the town!

In one of the alleyways of the Old Market.


  1. My dream is to go to Greece! Just love these pics of you on your trip!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

    1. It's so beautiful. I hope you get to go. It's great!

  2. ahhh the fish spa is so creepy! but i'd do it once, haha.
    Love your destructed cut offs. so cute on you.
    I'd never want to leave greece either.

    Chic on the Cheap

    1. Thanks. Those shorts have become a summer favorite. Lord knows i cant wear those to teach in when school is back in session so I better enjoy them now!

  3. AH, the fish pedicure! I probably would have died! but totally would have tried it. The town square looks amazeballs, I would be eating ice cream there every night. Please tell me you did. :)
