First Morning in Santorini

Friday, August 16, 2013

Our first morning in Santorini, we awoke to the spectacular blue sky you see below. Our buffet breakfast was selected and brought down to our room - down the many stairs you saw yesterday - and was enjoyed on the balcony terrace (see the third pic below). After that we took a walk to the village of Fira, which is the central part of the island where the port is. Tomorrow you will see what we did there, but for today I hope you enjoy the incredible sights from our stroll around town!

 Top: Old Navy
Skirt: Pink Tartan (similar option from Modcloth for just $20)
Shoes: ShoeMint "Lina"
Hat: Randolph Street Fest (same idea here)
Necklace: Vintage
Watch: Michael Kors
Sunglasses: Target
Lips: Heatwave by Nars

 You have to walk up to the top to go anywhere, and it's a long way up!

 A long way down, too! 154 stairs to be exact!

The main hotel terrace all the way at the top.

 This is what counts as a main sidewalk in Santorini.

 This was my favorite pool we passed, especially at night when it was all lit up. So pretty.

 Just so you get an idea of just how high up the city is. 

 There were so many cool doors, I couldn't resist a few picture stops.

 If you have a fear of heights, I do not recommend Santorini!

A very helpful suggestion on the map.


  1. That dude on the stair picture looks creepy! From, Anonymous. (Not Andrew.)

  2. See? I told you someone would point that out in the comments!

    1. Haha, wow! You anticipated my comment? You must be pretty smart!

  3. ^^ LMAOOO.

    I'm dying at all these pictures.... DYYYYING!!! PS - did NOT realize that Santorini was that high up! I wasn't even there, yet the pics give me that whiryball feeling in my stomach that I'm sure you must have felt looking down the cliff. PSS - those stairs, as brutal as they were, sculpted that booty better than any teacher! LOL.

    1. I discovered in Greece that my feet get tingly when i get that scared high up afraid of falling feeling. It happened enough that i noticed the trend. So weird!

  4. Santorini looks incredible! And luckily I don't have a fear of heights :) :)
    I love how glamourous you've been looking on all of your Greece posts- I can definitely take pointers from you on the vacation style front!

    Happy Weekend :)

    1. Well thank you. I guess aas a teacher off duty i can wear shorter skirts and look a little more scandalous. Back to work means back to pencil skirts come next week for me :(

  5. I've been loving all your Greece pictures, your trip just looks so awesome and so does Santorini! I also can't believe how high it is, that's so awesome! You look beautiful as always throughout this trip. xoxo
