Braid Hawk from Gold Plaited

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I few weeks back I was invited to Gold Plaited for a braiding event. I gave this gal free reign to do her thang and this complex and super-cool braid hawk is what I came out with. Pretty badass for a school teacher, huh? I even wore it the next day on a field trip to the Shedd Aquarium earning me some mild street cred with my middle schoolers! NOT easy to do!

Braid, hawk

Braid, hawk

Braid, hawk

Braid, hawk

forever, 21, tote

Braid, hawk

Braid, hawk

Braid, hawk
J. Crew Sweater // Target Skirt (old but similar here) // Tote Bag // La Mer Watch // Shoemint Booties // Forever 21 Sunglasses (similar and a great deal!)// Lancome Lipstick // Sole Society Necklace


  1. See ya later, dainty braid - the braided hawk is where it's at. Those middle schoolers are lucky to have such a cool teacher!

  2. Thanks Hollie! Getting any appreciation out of a middle schooler is pretty huge so I'll take it where I can get it! Thanks for stopping by!
