Off Duty

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I almost didn't want to post these pictures. I didn't know if my readers would enjoy the non-pencil-skirt-wearing side of me, or wouldn't be interested in my lazy day outfits. 

But then, as my very talented hairstylist and beauty blogger friend Sonya reminded me, sometimes that's what people want to see most. (She also happend to squeeze me in for this cut and blow out you see here.)

So I hope my yogi-grunge outfit hasn't scared you off. Let me know if you would like to see more of the teacher-off-duty looks of summer 2013!

Sandals: Topshop (similar)
Shorts: Zara (on sale in stores)
Tank: H&M (seen here & only $15)
Purse: Sam Edelman

1 comment:

  1. I like seeing work looks, and weekend looks - why not mix it up once in a while?
    Your cutoffs are simply perfect, and I love your sandals!
    Chic on the Cheap
