J. Crew Herringbone Vest Day

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today is what is known to be National Herringbone Vest Day on Instagram. 

For all of you who know me and how I prefer that social media platform to Twitter (I'm the worst tweeter!), I tend to find out most of my fashion info from there. I'm a visual learner so it just makes sense. 

Some IGers decided that everyone who owns this coveted J. Crew vest should all wear it on October 1st. A good ol' fashion challenge never hurt anyone, so here is my outfit featuring the kingpin piece. 

Anyone else hear of this "holiday" or do I just spend too much time on Instagram?

Vest: J. Crew
Striped top and Earrings: Forever 21 (both old)
Boots: Report "Marks" 
Lips: c/o Jouer in "Ava" from the Midwest Style Blogger brunch goodie bag! LOVE!


  1. I'm with you - I prefer Instagram too! This vest is adorable.
    Isn’t That Charming.

    1. We are terrible..ugh isnt all that READING on Twitter the worst?! Haha

  2. Sigh. I really want that vest! Time to stalk ebay!

    1. I got it this sucker in july when it was still super hot! I was thinking ahead. Mine is a small and its still big! In case you are looking you will probably want a xs. You could always stop by and borrow mine for a photo op link up...

  3. Everyone has this vest and I'm so jealous! It looks great on you!

    1. Thanks! It's EVERYWHERE! Just not for sale. Make friends with someone your size who owns it and ask to try it on....then RUN!!
