Theme: COLOR - Pink & Floral

Thursday, March 21, 2013

You know what I'm getting really sick of? Wind! I know this is Chicago, the "windy city," but enough. I'm pretty tough when it comes to taking my coat off in the below-freezing temps, but the wind is super annoying. Blowing my hair, clothes and skirts all over the place making it near impossible to take outfit pictures outside. 

That is all on that rant.

Anyway, the highlight of wearing this outfit was when a student asked me if I was "wearing my pajamas!" Of course! Don't all people wear jewelry, wedges and a belt to sleep?! That was pretty darn funny coming from a 10-year-old.

This is my China knock-off of the J. Crew Archipelago necklace that I became obsessed with when I saw it on a episode of The Bachelor! See the real version here. ($165)

Necklace: eBay
Pink button-down: Ralph Lauren Outlet
Pants: H&M (recent)
Watch: La Mer
Army Jacket: Forever 21


  1. I love that necklace knock-off- it's gorgeous! These pants are so fun, too- and totally not pajama-looking haha!

  2. haha, love your knock off - and love this look! I need to get my printed pants out asap!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. I, too, have been ranting about the weather here! Enough already (two months ago, I said)! But you are rocking those pants!
