Theme: Pattern Mixing, Look One

Monday, March 11, 2013

The accidental black & white theme from two weeks ago led me to start thinking: what if I tried to challenge myself to a specific them each week?

Last week I started with a bold choice when I asked Amy if she would like to participate in a pattern mixing outfit theme for the WHOLE WEEK!

I'm not going to lie and say it was easy, in fact it was a rather hard one to stick with, considering we had mountains of snow and rivers of slush everywhere. Kind of makes it hard to wear floral skirts when you are sentenced to snow boots!

I gave it my best and started with a bang, mixing three patterns (the trifecta as it became known by the end of the week) AND a bold-colored bag! 

This whole thing works because of the colors. The blue is a central theme in all the pieces and the blazer's plaid print is just faint enough to work without overpowering the whole thing. I swear to you, I didn't get one strange look all day!

I was quite proud of myself for making this seemingly crazy outfit work. What do you think of the whole pattern mixing trend? What patterns are you loving to mix?

If you are feeling bold and would like to try out pattern mixing yourself, send me a picture or a link in your best mixed-pattern look to be featured on HOTPINKstyle this Friday!

Skirt: Anthropologie (old)
Gingham button down: J. Crew Factory (buy it here)
Blazer: Target 
Bag: Target (not available online anymore, but check store availability here)
Watch: Charming Charlies
Tights: DKNY
Black pumps: Cole Haan


  1. Love, love that bag! It's a shame it's sold out!

  2. It's a shame that bag is sold out, it's a classic!

  3. I really wanted the red one too! I guess we live and we just buy everything and return later!

  4. these pieces work so well together - I adore this pattern mix! and that bag looks far more expensive than target.
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. I think this is my favorite pattern-mixing look of yours.. probably b/c it's so "Jill"!
