Almost 30 Days

Friday, May 31, 2013

So as you read this (these pictures were taken almost two weeks ago... I know, I'm sorry) I'm on my 28th day of the Whole30. I was turned on to it after seeing Jessica's results from What I Wore. Then Alyssa, blogger pal extraordinaire, whipped up a really helpful email so that all the Lobas (my hot-yoga ladies) could start ASAP!

Because of this blog, I have this really interesting "gift" of being able to look back at myself. I can check back on to see pictures from last month, last Christmas, whatever, as a snapshot in time. So the day I wore this outfit you see below, was the first real day I actually noticed this Whole30 thing was working. I had just bought these pants from Zara in April and they fit so well the last/first time I wore them (maybe even a bit snug), and then all of a sudden they were big!

The Whole30 experience has been great but mostly because of everyone around me who was so supportive! Thanks to my Lobas who didn't mind talking/texting/emailing nonstop about food! Thanks to Alyssa for getting it all together in the beginning to make it all seem easy and possible without even having to buy the book. And thank you to my wonderful husband who had to deal with my crazy ordering at restaurants on vacation in San Francisco and ran to the grocery store for me numerous times to accommodate my food needs (like trying to find sugar- and soy-free broth when I was sick).

I'm going to try to keep this going until I leave for NYC for the Summer Solstice yoga event, Mind Over Madness, in Times Square. Once there though, I may have to have a slice of New-York-style pizza... oh yeah, and a few cocktails that haven't been allowed either!

Top: Banana Republic Outlet (cute similar option)
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Zara
Necklace: Silver Linings Shop (on sale now)



  1. Such a simple, chic outfit!! Makes me kick myself yet again for slacking on buying a pair of leopard shoes.
    Whole30 is amazing and I thank you for bringing it up to us Lobas in the first place! You are looking svelte, lady!

    1. Thanks for doing it with me! I knew it would be easier and more "fun" with my Lobas!! P.S. those shoes are still online at Zara and they dont even have a 3 inch heel! Shorties!!

  2. Love that necklace! You look so cute.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  3. Fabulous striped top and I love your necklace.

  4. Hey, Jill! That is some statement necklace you have! I love it. Thanks for dropping by my page and the belt you were asking is from Witchery. Nice, right?

    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

  5. Isn't Alyssa awesome? She definitely inspired me to clean up my diet and I'm starting the Whole30 tomorrow!
    Anyways, I love your striped top (I'm mildly obsessed with anything striped) and of course, your statement necklace.

    xx Nina

    1. Nina, good luck with your whole 30! And yes, I love Alyssa! She's the best!

  6. glad to hear the whole 30 is working for you! You look gorgeous, and pants being loose is always a good thing!
    Chic on the Cheap

  7. Yay I'm so glad you did it! Isn't it the "jeans test" the best? The Whole 30 can be hard, (especially when the carb flu hits,) but having support is just so great! Congrats to you and your Lobas! And shout out to your awesome hubby! Reading those labels is a labor in and of itself!

    But when you come to NY, pizza and cocktails are a must. And tons of other things.
